Stepping Stone Animal Hospital - Garden stones are a great way to create unique pieces of art outdoors while using any beautiful tiles and decorations you may have around your home!

Sunny summer days are perfect for making DIY garden stones! Children will love creating their own designs. These flat stones can decorate your yard, walkway, or anywhere outside that needs a little love or customization.

Stepping Stone Animal Hospital

Stepping Stone Animal Hospital

This project is an easy introduction to mosaics, making a great craft for kids or anyone new to the process. That's why you'll also see this item listed under craft projects for adults.

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In mosaic, small tiles or embellishments are used to create designs, usually on a wooden base, which are then grouted and sealed.

Our stone projects are created using the "hand to hand" method of placing tiles or ornaments on the mortar (in a mold) to create the design. No grout is needed since the mortar holds the pieces in place.

The sky is the limit for this stone garden and you can decorate it however your heart desires. A DIY Pebble Art design would look really nice on this stone!

Note: You can also "draw" the design once the mortar has set. Use a pencil! Test in a corner first, leaving at least a 1-inch border around the edge. Drawing too close to the edge can cause cracks.

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Garden stones are a great way to create unique outdoor art using beautiful tiles and ornaments you have around the house! Sprinkle some glitter on top of your design as the mortar sets to add some sparkle!

Ann Pianta Kollegger has designed handmade products, greeting cards and other products sold across the country. His most precious creative moments are with his children and the patients he worked with at the local children's hospital.

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